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The Divine Mercy Shrine in Krakόw – Łagiewniki


Тип блока:

The famous picture of Divine Mercy was first painted here in Krakόw’s Łagiewniki.

The famous picture of Divine Mercy was first painted here in Krakόw’s Łagiewniki. It represents the vision given to sister Faustina, a nun who lived in the local convent. She preached the message spoken by Jesus Christ concerning the Mercy of God. She was proclaimed a saint and is buried in the old church next to the newly constructed basilica. In 2002 Pope John Paul II solemnly consecrated the basilica dedicated to the Divine Mercy. Due to his initiative, the shrine at Łagiewniki has become a world centre of Divine Mercy. The basilica is an interesting modern piece of architecture. Next to it stands a tower 80 metres high. The shrine has become one of the most important places for pilgrimages from Poland and also from abroad.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Siostry Faustyny street 3
30-420 Kraków
провинция: MAŁOPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.021111,19.936889
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