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It is worthwhile seeing.

It was built in the Baroque style by Tomasz Zamoyski the second entailer and his wife Katarzyna as the biggest temple in Zamość (56-meter long and 29-meter wide).   It is considered to be one of the most outstanding 17 th century sacral edifices in Poland. It had a very rich décor designed by Jan Michał Link. After the Franciscan order was closed down by Austrians in 1784 the church lost its sacral function for many years. In 1895 the top was demolished, the whole building was made lower and the main nave was divided into three floors.   Since 1993 the building has been a church again.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Stanisława Staszica place 1
22-400 Zamość
провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.7158,23.2555
Система мгновенных сообщенийFB: Parafia pw. Zwiastowania NMP pod opieką OO. Franciszkanów w Zamościu
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Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22