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The gothic Main Church in Żary


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The gothic Main Church of Heart of Jesus Christ dominates over the old town. The final shape of the church was given to it in the 15th century. It remembers founding of the city.

Żary is the capital of Polish Lusatia that lies from Bogatynia to Gubin. The city is situated close to the border of two geographic regions (Lowland of Silesia and Wielkopolska). It is one of the biggest economical and cultural centers in the southern part of Lubuskie region. Over 39 thousand people inhabit it. The gothic Main Church of Heart of Jesus Christ dominates over the old town. The final shape of the church was given to it in the 15th century. It remembers founding of the city. Fragments of the city wall of the church in the northern part date back to the 12th century. Between 1670 and 1672, in the eastern part, the baroque chapel of the family Promnitz, was added to the church. Nearby the church there is a gothic parish house and gothic – renaissance building which now houses the city archives.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Kardynała Wyszyńskiego place 4
68-200 Żary
провинция: LUBUSKIE
Широта и долгота: 51.6386,15.1463
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