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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиПамятникиThe Greek Catholic church dedicated to St. Basil the Great in Leszno

The Greek Catholic church dedicated to St. Basil the Great in Leszno


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The Greek Catholic church dedicated to St. Basil the Great (a Catholic church since 1957) was built in 1737 and restructured subsequently in 1971 and 1989.

Despite the recent changes, the chapel is among the most precious sacred monuments in the country, especially because of its archaic layout. Until recently, it used to create a complex along with another unique 17th c monument – a bell tower, which collapsed in 2000. The tower will shortly be reconstructed in a new place – next to the wooden Greek Catholic chapel dedicated to the Holy Trinity (a present-day Greek Catholic parish church), about 200 m to the north of the parish church.

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37-723 Leszno
Широта и долгота: 51.842,16.5938
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