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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиПамятникиThe Greek Catholic church dedicated to the Ascension of Jesus in Ulucz

The Greek Catholic church dedicated to the Ascension of Jesus in Ulucz


Тип блока:

The Greek Catholic church dedicated to the Ascension of Jesus (initially a monastery’s part), was built, according to tradition, between 1510 and 1517.

The Greek Catholic church dedicated to the Ascension of Jesus (initially a monastery’s part), was built, according to tradition, between 1510 and 1517 (although the dendrochronological research suggests the 1st half of the 17th c.) and used to be a part of a fortified Basilian monastery. It was abandoned after 1947. It was renovated and reconstructed between 1961 and 1964, at present it is a part of the Sanok Ethnographic Outdoor Museum. The Basilian temple remains one of the few wooden churches that shape our notion of ancient sacred architecture.

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36-204 Blizne
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