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The Old Lublin Gate

The Lublin Gate witnessed the beginnings of Zamość construction.

Built in the first period of the formation of the town. In February 1588, Archduke Maximilian had been passing this way when taken prisoner by Jan Zamoyski at the Battle of Byczyna. On the front, there is an allegorical personification of Poland placed. The Gate fulfilled the role of a triumphal arch at the same time. In 1604, the gate was walled up. The Latin inscription placed on the gate says in translation:

"Welcome You, the life-giving Mother Poland. You shall be defended not only with the walls but also with our lives and our blood. O, Star of the Freedom and Nobility, Poland, Welcome! Founded by Jan Zamojski from his own funds."

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Akademicka/Królowej Jadwigi street 32
провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.7231,23.252
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