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The parish church dedicated to All Saints in Iwonicz


Тип блока:

The parish church dedicated to All Saints was erected in 1660.

. It was founded by Marcin Iwonicki. Initially, it had a więzbowo-zaskrzynieniowo-zaczepowy system (see translator’s explanation in Golcowa). In the 1st half of the 17th c., a masonry sacristy was built and a bell tower was erected from the western side. Between 1884 and 1895 the church was transformed (main body was lengthened, two chapels were constructed in the form of pseudo transept and presbytery was extended with the Zaluscy chapel). Despite the transformations, the church has retained the gothic plan and construction.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Długa 6
38-440 Iwonicz
Широта и долгота: 52.0001,15.0031
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