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The sanctuary in Hodyszewo


Тип блока:

The origins of the sanctuary are shrouded in mystery, but they are strongly connected with the holy picture of the Madonna holding the Infant Jesus.

The origins of the sanctuary are shrouded in mystery, but they are strongly connected with the holy picture of the Madonna holding the Infant Jesus. That exquisite picture of the Holy Virgin Mary has for several hundreds years attracted thousands of faithful, who experienced  healings, miracles and conversions. Hodyszewo is mentioned for the first time in 1529r. when it was called "a royal village". At that time the area was inhabited by Ruthenian Orthodox people. It has been evidenced that in 1562 an Orthodox church was standing here which, after the Union of Brest in 1596, was transformed into the Uniate one. In 1775 it was taken apart. Another wooden church was built in its place. After the Union was abolished in 1875, the church returned to Orthodoxy. The wooden church was soon  taken apart again. Some of its parts were used to build a smaller temple, which was then transported to Krynica. Catholic parish in Hodyszewo has existed there since World War I ended. 

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Platonoffa street 40
18-212 Hodyszewo
провинция: PODLASKIE
Широта и долгота: 52.8313,22.7772
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