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The Town Hall and the guard room

The Town Hall in Suwałki consists of two buildings raised in a classicistic style: the guard-room built in 1834 as well as the proper town hall built in 1844 following to the design of Karol Majerski.

In the year 1834 in the corner of the market and the Petersburg-Kowno Road, in the place where an old wooden inn "Rogówka" had been standing, the one-storeyed brick building of the guard-room was raised. Its designer was probably Antonio Corazzi. In the years 1842-1844, after long debates concerning the location, the building of the town hall adjoining the guard-room was built. Probably, the author of the project was an outstanding architect Karol Majerski. The architecture of the town hall clearly refers to the neighbouring guard-room. Originally, it was also a one-storeyed building. In the years 1855-1858 the both buildings were reconstructed: an extra storey was added and on the top of it a clock tower was raised. The author of the project was also Karol Majerski. The both buildings making in fact one whole are undoubtedly one of the most interesting architectural buildings in Suwałki.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

16-400 Suwałki
провинция: PODLASKIE
Широта и долгота: 54.098944,22.928167
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