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Tower of the Menials in Lubsko


Тип блока:

The Tower of Zary Gate (known as well as Menials' Tower) is the oldest and the best preserved monument which remained untouched. It comes from the 15th century.

The Tower of Zary Gate (known as well as Menials' Tower) is the oldest and the best preserved monument which remained untouched. It comes from the 15th century when the city fortifications were made stronger. It is built of brick on a plan of a square and has seven floors. In 1834, the city prison was moved to it. In this time the city received the Municipal and Regional Court. Probably in this period the tower gained its second and common name (Tower of Menials). After the WW II it was a seat of the police. Nowadays it is a very characteristic element in the town's architecture.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

68-300 Lubsko
провинция: LUBUSKIE
Широта и долгота: 51.7857,14.9684
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