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Wilkołaz – the Church


Тип блока:

Brick Church of the seventeenth century monument Wilkołaz.

The first Church in Wilkołaz was described by Jan Dlugosz. It was a wooden building and did not survive to the present day. The present Church is a brick building, and it was built in 1648-1653, as a Church of St. John the Baptist, founded by Jan Zamoyski. The Church is built of brick and stone, plastered, one-nave, originally Baroque, but due to the destruction and rebuilding it lost many stylish features. The choir vestry, the nave - the pediment of the porch, as the nave, on both sides, large chapels. Within three altars with oak trees, adapted to the style of the Baroque.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Wilkołaz Pierwszy street 15
23-212 Wilkołaz Pierwszy
провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 51.0056,22.3361
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