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Biebrzanski National Park


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Biebrzański Park Narodowy

It is the largest park in Poland in which the unusual river valley of the Biebrza, its unique fauna and flora and several hundred of species of birds make it a haven for visitors.

Formed in 1993 as the largest of the Polish parks. It covers an area of 59,223 hectares and includes the most interesting, in terms of nature, part of the Biebrza Valley with the best preserved complex of marshlands in Europe. Flowing through the park is the River Biebrza with its irregular course, many meanders and oxbow lakes. Every year in spring it floods the surrounding areas. The Biebrzanski National Park protects the vast and relatively unchanged marshes with its unique diversity of plant species, birds and animals as well as the natural ecosystems. The swamps are covered in reeds and vast expanses of sedge grass and on the rarely occurring low dune hill there are forests of willow, alder and low birch. The marshes are also a refuge for birds (nearly 300 different species), especially waterfowl and marsh birds which as a result attracts ornithologists and amateur wildlife photographers from around the world. The world of fauna is represented by larger animals including elk, deer, beavers, raccoons and muskrats. Due to its location the River Biebrza is popular for canoeing. The park is crossed by hiking trails and educational nature paths.

Biebrzanski National Park – Goniadz (woj. Podlaskie)


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провинция: PODLASKIE
Широта и долгота: 53.4897551,22.735111
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Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22