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Round route from Uhowo


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This route on the river Narew takes several hours and starts in Uhowo. The river flows through Bokiny, Łapy and returns to Uhowo.
10- kilometer ROUND ROUTE from UHOWO This route on the river Narew takes several hours and starts in Uhowo. The river flows through Bokiny, Łapy and returns to Uhowo. The canoe can be rented on the beach at the OKF in Uhowo where the route begins. It is possible to tour the church under Saint Adalbert from the year 1919. The route goes under the road and railway bridges, after which the river splits into three beds. If you flow the right bed, after 2 kilometres there is a good place for resting on a non-organized camping. Later the river starts meandering. Its natural character can be observed there- reed- willow thickets, it is possible to observe water fowls. After flowing 4 kilometres please turn left from the main bed, in the east direction, and you will reach so called ‘Rozlewa’. This is a big, shallow backwater remaining the whole year. Later there is a camping place ‘The cottage of the dumb’ and the village Bokiny. The route returns on ‘Rozlewa’ and returns through the right bed of Narew while going in the west direction. In Łapy visitors can stop on the area called ‘Sosenka’, where local inhabitants rest. Later canoes float in the direction of bridges in Uhowo and they return to the canoe harbor.

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провинция: PODLASKIE
Широта и долгота: 53.0019,22.9168
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