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Szczebrzeszyn Landscape Park


Тип блока:


Urząd Miejski w Szczebrzeszynie
Kościuszki 1
22-460 Szczebrzeszyn
провинция: LUBELSKIE

The beauty of nature and idyllic scenery – those are the fine points of Szczebrzeszyn Lanscape Park.

The Szczebrzeszyn Lanscape Park covers the Eastern part of the Western Roztocze almost entirely and includes the Gorajec River Valley, as well as parts of the Wieprz and Por valleys. The Park was founded in 1991 and covers 20,209 ha.

The rural and forest landscapes are diversified by numerous loessial gullies. The average concentration of gullies within the Park’s area is 3 km/km2; 9km/km2 maximum. Gully slopes can be up to several metres high, whereas the width of the bottom ranges from several dozen centimetres to 20 metres.

The Park’s flora is also diversified. The most valuable in regards to natural environment are the strongly fragmented forest communities with a large share of the Carpathian beech forests covering hillsides and ravines. In the Park we will find many protected plant species: globeflower, broad-leaved marsh orchid, green-veined orchid, lady’s slipper orchid, lesser butterfly orchid, round-leaved sundew and spoon-leaved sundew, common columbine, the pheasant’s eye and many others.

We should also point out some of the interesting bird spiecies, such as: common redshank, the Northern goshawk, sparrowhawk, tawny owl, stock dove, barn owl, black woodpecker, the European pied flycatcher, raven, common snipe, firecrest, black-tailed godwit and common stonechat.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.6951,22.98
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Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22