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The Ciężkowicko-Rożnowski Landscape Park


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Zespół Parków Krajobrazowych Pogórza w Tarnowie
Solidarności 5-9b
33-100 Tarnów
провинция: MAŁOPOLSKIE

The Ciężkowicko-Rożnowski Landscape Park was set up in 1995. It is situated in south-eastern part of the Małopolska province. It covers the area of 24 130 ha.
The most valuable elements of inanimate nature are groups of rocky forms in the "Stone Town" reserve of nature in Ciężkowice. Single rocky forms make monuments of nature such as "Wieprzek" in Jastrzębia and Jar "Wodospad" in Ciężkowice. Several mineral springs were found in the Park area between Polichty and Filipowice. Standing timbers are dominated by beech, fir, pine tree and petiolar oak. Mainly the Carpatian beech forest dominated the Park on area of the Jamna, Siekierczyna, Borowa, Bruśnik. Flora of the Park estimate to about 900 spieces vascular plants. Forty spieces of preserved plants among them: Huperzia selago and Matteucia struthiopteris can be found. There are Cirsium rivulare, orchids: Dactylorhiza maculata, Dactylorhiza majalis on the meadows in the river valley. Many spieces plants have complete limit of reach in Poland (Staphylea pinnata, Scilla bifolia, Arum alpinum, Melica uniflora, Aposeris foetida). Among protected animals black storks, black woodpeckers, sparrow hawks and five bat spieces live there. In the "Stone Town"reserve occur 310 butterflies spieces. The Ciężkowicko-Rożnowski Landscape Park has a lot of valuable culture objects and places. The Ecological Education Centre was set up in 1998 at the Park area in the Polichty resort.

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провинция: MAŁOPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 49.786556,20.9735
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Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22