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The natural path Meanders of Narew


Тип блока:


Ośrodek "Brama na Bagna"
Strękowa Góra 24
16-075 Strękowa Góra
провинция: PODLASKIE

The natural path ‘Meanders of Narew’ is placed in a half way between Bialystok and Łomża, on the borderland of the Biebrza and Narew National Parks
The path length is 4.5 km. The time of the passage from Strękowa Mountain to Strękowa Mountain is 2-2.5 hours. The return to Strękowa Mountain takes around 1 hour on foot going along a forest path. The natural path begins just near the Center ‘The Gate to Swamps’ in Strękowa Mountain in the commune Zawady, where a monument of the herring was unveiled in July 2007. Boards near the herring present information concerning the nature, people and history of this region. People who carefully read the boards will learn about results of the drainage, they will get to know how the dam functions and how old- river beds emerged.  They will learn about species of fish and birds, which you may see here during the whole year and also those of which are there only in the spring and in the summer.  People standing on the Peak of Strękowa Mountain will see a sweeping valley dotted with Nazi tanks of the armored divisions in September 1939 through the eyes of Polish defenders of the Wizna defensive area. At the foot of the mountain you may find differences among sand, gravel and clay, where the geological history of this place, as turbulent as the war passages, is recorded.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Strękowa Góra
провинция: PODLASKIE
Широта и долгота: 53.214836,22.550447
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