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Wielkopolski National Park


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Wielkopolski Park Narodowy
62-050 Jeziory

This park is a paradise for ornithologists – more than 220 species of birds make their home here.

It was established in 1957 and currently covers an area of 7,584 hectares with a 7,256 hectare buffer zone. There are 18 small areas under strict protection which have a total area of 260 hectares. The park is located in the vicinity of Poznan. In the landscape of this park the characteristic elements are the glacial ridges (eskers), hills, rises (kames), boulders and gullies which are filled by water from 11 lakes.

The terrain here is largely forested and is distinguished by the richness of its flora (about 1100 species of vascular plants). Of the trees the Scots pine is the most dominant creating forests of pine and pine mixed with oak. There are also acidophilus and grassland oak forests, oak and hornbeam forests, elm and ash riparian forests, alder forests and willow scrublands. One of the rarest trees in the country also appears here – the mountain ash (clink) and a relic from the Ice Age, the twinflower.

Fauna is represented by more than 40 species of mammals (roe deer, deer, wild boars, foxes, martens and badgers), around 220 species of birds (great-crested grebes, teal, mallards, black kites and marsh harriers). For visitors to the park there are five prepared hiking trails with a combined length of 85km as well as interesting tourist routes.

Wielkopolski National Park (woj. Wielkopolskie)


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Широта и долгота: 52.2454069,16.8470545
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