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Boulder - monument of inanimate nature


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Beautiful village Kamień Śląski invites to see a huge boulder as a monument of inanimate nature.
A huge boulder is shrouded in mysterious legend, according to which the boulder was brought there by the devil. Actually, the boulder was brought by the forces of nature about 400,000 years ago, mainly by the giant Scandinavian Ice Sheet to the nearest forest. From there it was removed to the village in 1980. Because of its enormous size it is said to be a monument of inanimate nature. Opposite the boulder, above an information board there is a sign where is written that Kamień Śląski was awarded with a laurels of the most beautiful Village of Opole Land '2004.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Kamień Śląski
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.5407,18.0766
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