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Churches of the Old Town in Cracow


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Beautiful churches adorn almost all of the streets of the Old Town.

Tourists mostly pass them by, though they are really worth seeing and are mainly responsible for creating the special atmosphere we find in the city. Let us therefore look at some of the churches. First the Romanesque churches: Saint Andrew’s on Grodzka Street and St Adalbert’s situated in the City Square. Now in turn let us look at the big gothic temples of the Franciscans and the Dominicans and the church of the Holy Cross with its high vaulted ceiling supported by one pillar and polychromes walls mainly from the16th century. Last and not least, let us enter the baroque churches. Let us look at the front of the elegant façade of St Paul’s and Peter’s and see the beautiful statuary of the Apostles and then look in to admire its ascetic interior. Let us also go to Saint Ann’s Church with its fascinating lights displayed against the mouldings of its façade and to the warm and joyful interior decorations of the church of the Bernardines.

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Franciszkańska 3
31-004 Kraków
провинция: MAŁOPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.061611,19.937167
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