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Donkey whipping post

The whipping post as a donkey with the "painful" saddle is the symbol of the law and order in old Torun.

The original whipping post as a donkey is standing in the south-east corner of the Old Town Market.

The figure refers to the punishment practiced in Old Torun for the small and the heavy offences, executed not far from the municipal guard station - so-called the guardroom. In the XVII-XVIII centuries there was there the wooden donkey with the back covered by the metal sheet. The unrulies guard soldiers were seated there with the little leaden weights on theirs legs, during the time increased significantly. The penance was double: the condemend was exposed to ridicule and the sharp back of whipping post sticked in his seat.

The original donkey was standing here up till the 1797.

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87-100 Toruń
Широта и долгота: 53.010097,18.603926
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