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Jesus Holy Blood Sanctuary


Тип блока:

The church of Jesus Holy Blood does not distinguish itself from among the row of tenement houses at Żydowska street.[A. Plenzler; Pilgrimage sites in Wielkopolska; Poznan 2007]

Its history reaches the 16th century, when information on sacrilege performed in the house of Świda – Szamotulscy family at Żydowska street appeared in the city. The church has two storeys. During renovation works, a well was found in the crypt, where host wafers were supposed to be drowned. Even today, the water taken from the well is regarded as miraculous. The upper part of the church is an example of Regency style in sacral architecture. What is especially worth mentioning here is the main altar with the representations of all the persons of the Holy Trinity. [A. Plenzler; Pilgrimage sites in Wielkopolska; Poznan 2007]

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Żydowska street 34
61-761 Poznań
Широта и долгота: 52.4091,16.935
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