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Larch Hill


Тип блока:


Gmina Radomin

Larch Hill rests in the village of Płonne. It is a cluster of several Polish larches constituting a nature monument of 0.36 ha.

Located in Płonne Forestry Larch Hill is the most valuable and the most impressive nature monuments of the Kujavia-Pomeranian region. A cluster of 14 old Polish lurch trees was recognised as a nature monument in 1964. In January 1983 a violent windstorm knocked four of the larches down. The remaining ten trees are roughly 300 years old and their trunk circumference ranges from 140 to nearly 400 centimetres. “Polish Larch has small, almost round cones, about two cm long, and takes a long shape with thick and irregular branch structure" – as the information plaque from the Larch hill describes.

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Широта и долгота: 53.123333,19.169167
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Польская Туристическая Организация
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