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Leaning Tower


Тип блока:

The Leaning Tower - the most original monument of the city and its symbol. The tower stands majestically on one board of Vistula River.

The Leaning Tower is the most interesting and the most famous tower of Torun and one of the mayor tourist attractions, shrouded in several legends.

The tower comes from the beginning of the 14th century, it tilted to the north probably just  after construction due to an unstable soil. The tower is 15-meter higt, its tilt is 146 cm vertically.

The tower stands in the municipal wall line but it has never had any defence importance. It was an auxiliary guard's tower, one of several in Torun. When it lost its defence value in the 17th-18Ith century it had different functions, e.g. a women punishment cell. Today the tower interior serves as a stylish cafe. The tourists can relax - the floors inside are straight!

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Pod Krzywą Wieżą street 1
87-100 Toruń
Широта и долгота: 53.0083936,18.6026727
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