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Lighthouse in Krynica Morska


Тип блока:

Opened completely to the public, this lighthouse has beautiful views over the Baltic Sea and the Vistula Lagoon.

Construction of the lighthouse here began in June 1894. The structure was however blown up in 1945 by the retreating German soldiers. A new lighthouse was built only at the beginning of the 1950’s in accordance with a design supplied by the Gdansk Polytechnic. It began operating in the summer of 1951.

It was built from concrete blocks and has the shape of a truncated cone with an internal staircase climbing to the top. The light system is made up of a two-position changer with 1000 watt bulbs and a cylindrical Fresnel lens. The angle of the beam covers the full rotation so the lighthouse is visible from the sea as well as from the Vistula Lagoon. The height of the tower is 26.5m (a round red tower with an observation gallery) and the light is mounted 53m above sea level with a range of 18 nautical miles.

A major refurbishment of the lighthouse was carried out in 1996. The whole tower was then painted red – on a clear day it can be seen from several nautical miles away. The observation gallery has views of the open sea and the Vistula Lagoon, from the land side Tolmicko and Frombork and with good visibility even the lights of the Hel Peninsula and Gdansk.

Krynica Morska City Hall (woj. Pomorskie)


localization-imgСхема проезда:

Żołnierzy street 1
82-120 Krynica Morska
провинция: POMORSKIE
Широта и долгота: 54.385548,19.450497
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