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Manor Park in Gręboszów

The whole establishment of the park in Gręboszów was patterned on french school. There are garden pavilions, a classicism "temple" transformed from an arbour, a "teahouse" called a "chinese" pavilion.

The manor park in Gręboszów is 5,86 ha big, it was found in XVIII century; now it is a possession of the Forest Inspectorate of Namysłów. First mention of the manor park in Gręboszów comes from the mid-XVIII century. Then there was found a regular baroque garden with a long scenic axis of composition, and a landscape infrastructure. The park is rich in its trees regarding their quantity and types. Such species as limes, oaks and maples constitute the majority of varnacular(domestic) forest. There are worth noticing 3 nature monuments - 2 pedunculate oaks and a small-leaved lime, with girth of 400cm each. In the forest's park the trees are mixed, mainly maples, oaks, limes and ashes appearing in different proportions.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

46-146 Gręboszów
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 51.0553,17.806
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