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Mary's Column


Тип блока:

Mary's Column - it is worth seeing.

In 1694, Mary's Column was founded by a town notary Piotr Ortman in memory of victims of bubonic plague from1924. The most probable is that it was patterned on similar figure from Lubiąż, whose author was Jan Knote. The Mary's Column is made of sandstone and marmour, it consists of quadrilateral socle, flanked with "lizeny"(pl.) crowned with moulding. In panels of the socle, there are circular medallions that present biblical scenes. On the socle there is situated a pedestal where arises a corinthian column with Holy Mother and Holy Infant. Moreover, on the socle's angles there are 4 figures: of St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Rafael and of Guardian Angel. The column has been renovated since 2002.

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48-200 Prudnik
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.3219,17.5806
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