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"Mikolaj Rej Manor" Museum in Nagłowice


“Mikolaj Rej Manor" Museum shows relation of the writer with Nagłowice and the importance of his work for both the literature and the entire Polish culture. There is an exhibition of artwork depicting the life and work of Mikołaj Rej. The woodcuts include fragments of his works and records of his life. The cabinets hold interesting manuscripts (e.g. letter to a neighbour or a tax return).

“Mikolaj Rej Manor" Museum shows relation of the writer with Nagłowice and the importance of his work for both the literature and the entire Polish culture. There is an exhibition of artwork depicting the life and work of Mikołaj Rej. The woodcuts include fragments of his works and records of his life. The cabinets hold interesting manuscripts (e.g. letter to a neighbour or a tax return).
The manor is surrounded by an English park founded at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries and twice converted: in the mid-19th and early 20th century. The oldest part of the park includes the remnants of a geometric garden, founded on the terraces. The highest terrace is the so-called garden lounge with avenues of chestnut trees-loner trees and ponds. The park also includes a group of beautiful oaks - declared a natural monument (circumference of trunks from 4 to nearly 7 m) and an extremely rare specimen of smoke tree. There are also eastern hemlock, black walnut, red cedar, hornbeam avenue, elms and stately larches.
Near the manor, in the interwar period, the Radziwiłł princely family - the last owners of the property - raised a storey palace with a monumental columned portico. The palace was connected with the court by a special connector. Currently, the building houses a children's home. Other historic buildings built by the Radziwiłł and forming utility buildings also survived: manor outbuilding, administrator’s house, quatro, barn, granary, smithy.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Kacpra Walewskiego street 7
28-362 Nagłowice
Широта и долгота: 50.6782371,20.1063921
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Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22