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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиMonument of Joseph von Eichendorff in Kobylica (nearby Prudnik)

Monument of Joseph von Eichendorff in Kobylica (nearby Prudnik)

Monument of Joseph von Eichendorff - history worth learning.

Monument of Joseph von Eichendorff located on the top of the hill Kobylica in 1911. The monument was raised in order to commemorate German poet of romantism period who was born on Prudnik Land. The monument is situated at a picturesque pond called "Żabie oczko", that emerged after a pothole of a former quarry. Hiking or going towards the monument there is a chance to stop on the border of the town on the educational path for a while and admire the a few hundreth-years old trees being monuments of nature.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

48-200 Kobylica
провинция: MAŁOPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.3886,17.6997
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