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Museum of Brewing in Tychy – Tyskie Brewery


Тип блока:

A wide collection of exhibits relating to the history of brewing, the Pszczyna lands and the Tychy Brewery

The museum is situated in the buildings of a former evangelical church from 1902 on the site of the Prince’s Brewery in Tychy. It was opened to the public in 2004. In the museum hall are exhibits connected with the art of brewing, serving and drinking beer as well as about the history and traditions of the brewery in Tychy. Exhibits include over 300 bottles from the beginning of the 19th century, cooper’s tools, original oak barrels, beer mugs, coasters, labels, bottle caps, documents, photographs relating to beer and its history and the story of the Tychy Brewery.

All this in a modern setting, using the latest museum techniques. The newly refurbished museum cinema shows a film about the history of the Pszczyna lands and the Prince’s Brewery in Tychy in 3D technology. The room is also filled with touch screens presenting the history of the brewery and the manufacturing process, beer games and a mail barrel from which visitors can send e-mails to their friends.

Since 2005, the museum has introduced a programme of nightly tours under the slogan “See the Brewery at Night”. Tours include shows by amateur actors taking the roles of historical figures associated with the history of the brewery.

Tyskie Brewery (Museum of Brewing in Tychy) – Tychy (woj. Slaskie)


localization-imgСхема проезда:

Katowicka street 9
43-100 Tychy
провинция: ŚLĄSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.1320545,18.9860089
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ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
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