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Museum of Papermaking in Duszniki Zdroj


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This is the only museum in Poland that celebrates the history of papermaking. Of particular note is the building which houses the museum as it was itself a paper mill dating back nearly 400 years.

Housed in a 17th century paper mill, it is a unique monument to technology. The museum lies on the banks of the River Bystrzyca Dusznicka, on the southern outskirts of the town by the main road towards the border with the Czech Republic. The first mention of the paper mill in Duszniki Zdroj and the paper maker AmbrosiusTepper date back to the second half of the 16th century. The surviving mill buildings form a complex of adjacent architectural structures. The most important structure is the main building of the mill built in 1605 which was used for both housing and production.

In the 17th century the paper mill was the most valuable in Silesia. It had the monopoly on the supply of paper to offices in Wroclaw. The production of paper was halted in 1937. Two years later the last owner of the paper mill donated it to the city as a museum of technology.

The Museum of Papermaking in Duszniki Zdroj is the only professionally run museum in Poland, dedicated to the broad subject of papermaking. It accumulates, develops and displays collections on the history of papermaking, printing and the history of Duszniki Zdroj.

Museum of Papermaking – Duszniki Zdroj (woj. Dolnoslaskie)


localization-imgСхема проезда:

Kłodzka street 42
Широта и долгота: 50.4041754630815,16.396096944809
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