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Museum of the Oil And Gas Industry in Bobrka


Тип блока:

Museum presents the origins of the petroleum industry in Poland.

The most interesting historical objects illustrating the origins of the Polish petroleum industry are:

  • Obelisk commemorating the Bobrka oil plant establishment, erected by I. Łukasiewicz in 1854.
  • Two operative hand-sunk oil wells, called "Franek" and "Janina", as well as a number of remnants of similar facilities dating from 1854 -1880.
  • Eight wooden buildings from the 19th century, former workshops, smithies, boilers, pumping gears, warehouses, office and residential rooms.
  • Operative wells from the 1890s.
  • Transmission systems to power oil well pumps, ancient oil pipelines and oil storage facilities.

The Museum archives preserve books, journals, maps, photo albums, share certificates, technical documents and drawings. There are also photocopies of rare documents, dating back to the lifetime of I. Łukasiewicz as well as other pioneers of petroleum industry.*

A scientist Ignacy Lukasiewicz was the first in the world to find a new use for crude oil found in the Podkarpackie district. He developed methods of distillation by which he obtained kerosene. Ignacy Lukasiewicz constructed the first kerosene lamp on July 31, 1853. The world first crude oil mine was set up in Bobrka near Gorlice. The most significant monuments of this museum include the original oil well shaft, still working to this day, the original tools, a workshop and forge from Lukasiewicz times.

*Info from www.bobrka.pl

localization-imgСхема проезда:

38-458 Bóbrka
Широта и долгота: 49.617778,21.707222
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Польская Туристическая Организация
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ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22