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Nagorzyce Grottos

These are artificial excavations in the southern part of Tomaszow Mazowiecki. They are the remains of an underground mine of glass sand which was extracted here for the building and steel industry in the 18th and early 19th centuries.

The Grotto consists of a number of corridors, alcoves and chambers created in the process of extraction of the sand. The largest excavation, called “the Royal Hall”, is 30 metres long, 25 metres wide and 3 metres high. Each chamber bears a different name, such as Boczna, Borsucza, Ciemna, Jeziorna, Niedzwiedzia, Taneczna and Zlodziejska.
A careless, chaotic excavation resulted in the collapse of one of the chambers. This catastrophe caused the death of a resident of Nagorzyce and led to the tsarist authorities banning the excavation of sand. Since that time, the Nagorzyce Grottos became a local tourist attraction.
For many years they were forgotten and became filled with piles of garbage.
Interest from the town council led to a start of investment and, with the support of the European Union, made this an interesting site that appeals to large crowds of tourists.

River Pilica Heritage Park
Ul A. Frycza Modrzejewskiego 9/11
97-200 Tomaszow Mazowiecki
+48 44 723 00 03

Facilities opened to the public in June 2011
Trail length is about 160m
Tour takes about 40 minutes
The internal temperature is between 14.5° C and 18° C and humidity between 65% and 73%
The route is electrically illuminated.
The cave is suitable for people with disabilities
Guided tours for groups of 20 to 25 people
Advanced bookings required for all organised groups
Car parking available (constructed in 2011)

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Pod Grotami
Tomaszów Mazowiecki
провинция: ŁÓDZKIE
Широта и долгота: 51.4953152,19.9938851
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Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22