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National Museum


Тип блока:

The museum building erected in the first years of the 20th century by Prussians, fashioned after the Berlin Arsenal (Zeughaus). The former Emperor Frederick’s Museum, with a new wing, now houses the National Museum.

The National Museum– the masterpieces on display include those of Jan Matejko, Józef Chełmoński, Stanisław Wyspiański, Olga Boznańska and an extensive collection of Jacek Malczewski’s paintings. [A. Plenzler; Historic Monuments in Poznan; Poznan 2007] Branches: Gallery of Painting and Sculpture Aleje Karola Marcinkowskiego 9, 61-745 Poznan tel.: +4861 85-68-000 mnp@mnp.art.pl Museum of Applied Arts Góra Przemysła 1, 61-768 Poznan tel. +4861 85-68-185 teresa.michalowska@mnp.art.pl Museum of Musical Instruments Stary Rynek 45, 61-772 Poznan tel. +4861 85-68-178 muzinstr@mnp.art.pl Museum of the History of the City of Poznan - Town Hall Stary Rynek 1, 60-772 Poznan tel. +4861 85-68-193 ratusz@mnp.art.pl Military Museum of Wielkopolska Stary Rynek 9, 61-772 Poznan tel. +4861 852-67-39 etyszkiet@mnp.art.pl Ethnographic Museum ul. Grobla 25, 61-858 Poznan tel. +4861 852-30-06 etno@mnp.art.pl 881 Rogalin Palace ul. Arciszewskiego2, 62-022 Rogalin tel. +4861 813-80-30 rogalin@mnp.art.pl Adam Mickiewicz Museum in Smielow Smielow, 63-210 Zerkow tel.+4862 740-31-64 smielow@mnp.art.pl Gołuchow Castle 63-322 Gołuchow tel. +4862 761-50-94 goluchow@mnp.art.pl

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Aleje Karola Marcinkowskiego avenue 9
61-745 Poznań
Широта и долгота: 52.4087,16.9298
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Польская Туристическая Организация
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