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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиNational Museum of Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry

National Museum of Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry


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The Museum in Szreniawa is the only museum of its kind in Poland and one of the few in Europe

The museum occupies an area of 10 hectares. The expositions are currently dispersed over a dozen pavilions and shelters. In its collection the museum has about 16 000 objects of different sizes - from small, simple tools to large locomobiles (the oldest is the English Robey & Corn from 1895) and steam engines. In several thematic sections, the changes that have occurred in agriculture since ancient times to the present day can be traced here - from the expositions of primitive radels and flails to machines and devices that demonstrate technical and biological progress in agriculture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The presentation of the history of beekeeping is particularly impressive, with lovely hives standing in the park, but also the presentations on the food industry showing how the bread was baked once, how the oil was made or the milk was processed. Rich exposition of pottery, carpentry, saddlery, blacksmiths, coopers, weavers or tanning tools leads us to realize how enormous progress has been made in crafts.

There are the cycles of events organized in a museum illustrating the life cycle of the former village at particular times of the year which are very popular.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Dworcowa street 5
62-052 Szreniawa
Широта и долгота: 52.4064,16.9252
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Наш адрес

Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22