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Neo-gothic Basilica Church in Bobrowice


Тип блока:

Neo-gothic Basilica Church built in years 1853 – 1857.

In Bobrowice the Church probably existed already in the Middle Ages. The late-nineteenth-century figure shows a late-gothic, one-nave building with a large tower, transformed for the Protestant needs. Due to the significant weakening of the structure of walls it had been demolished. In its place in 1853 – 1857, August Stuller built the new neo-gothic building preserved to this day, made of brick, basilica Church, with an elliptical apse to the east and the slender tower with arcaded gallery in the west.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

66-627 Bobrowice
провинция: LUBUSKIE
Широта и долгота: 51.9483,15.0911
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