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Niechorze Lighthouse


Тип блока:

A lighthouse with exceptionally beautiful architecture situated on a high cliff

The lighthouse in Niechorze is located at the edge of a steep cliff which is 20m high. It is not only a valuable architectural monument but is also regarded as the most beautiful lighthouse building on the Polish coast. Its base is a 13m high square. On this is mounted an octagonal tower complete with a cornice on which is mounted the lantern with an optical device.

The light from the lighthouse can be seen 36km away thanks to the 1000w light bulb which is enhanced 20-fold by a special system of prisms. The lighthouse in Niechorze was commissioned by the German Ministry of Shipping in 1863 and started operating on 1st December 1866. It did not suffer during the last war although after its liberation 8 mines left by the Germans were discovered which fortunately did not detonate.

After the end of the war there was a considerable delay re-starting the lighthouse, not until 18th December 1948 as it became necessary to secure the cliff on which the lighthouse stood. Because of erosion by the sea waves there was a threat to the stability of the lighthouse. For this reason, this section of the cliff was strengthened by a 500m band of heavy concrete.

Niechorze Lighthouse (woj. Zachodniopomorskie)


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Широта и долгота: 54.0958839,15.0818427
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