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ODRA GATE (Brama Odrzańska)


Тип блока:

"BRAMA ODRZAŃSKA"("ODRZAŃSKA GATE") is a fragment of defensive wall that is a decoration of Odrzański Park. The gate used to be one of the 5 gates that led to the Silesian town.

"Brama Odrzańska" - late-renaissance, built in 1595 according to projects of Italian fortification experts Bernard and Piotr Niuron, also masons Jerzy Schober and Michał Kockert at the bastion protecting castle by the Odra site. Gate made of sandstone, in shape of a triumph arch with a semi-circled, ornamented archivolt with a coat of arms of Brzeg holding by an angel in a key. In by-archs there are fully-plastic heads of kinghts. Above it, there is an attic wall ornamented with coats of arms of the duke Joachim Fryderyk and his wife Anna Maria von Anhalt held by two pairs of lions. Above them, there is a frieze with latin inscription: VERBUM DOMINI MANET IN AETERNUM. In 1895, after bringing down the bastion, the gate was transported into the castle's garden. Considering architecture's point of view, there is worth seeing coat of arms of the town above the archs vault ( a coat of arms with 3 anchors held by an angel).

localization-imgСхема проезда:

49-300 Brzeg
провинция: OPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.8609,17.4668
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