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Old Lubelska Gate


Тип блока:

Gate called also Janowicka, is oldest of three gates of the foundation of Jan Zamoyski.

She was situated within earliest built earth fortifications from the side of the Janowice village, located by the bastion No. 5. In and for phase around c 1587 had the form of the straight arcade level crossing from blows. After the victorious battle under Byczyną hetman Jan Zamoyski carried through it in 1588 of outstanding prisoner of war - of archduke of Austrian Maksymilian, an unfortunate Polish pretender to the throne. After a few years the hetman told to brick the gate in. But bricking in it, was made probably in 1604, dictated not only for commemorating the triumph over Maksymilian. As most easily available was left closed off also from strategic accounts - in order to reinforce the defensive system of the stronghold. It was possible after finishing the Gate for Szczebrzeska in the vicinity of the collegiate church because this way a move was directed. Only two gates were left open - from the S and the E they opened their doors to the public at the end of the XVIII century in the connection with streamlining of communication. Then above the moat a wooden bridge was thrown and with time a level crossing was lengthened bramny.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Królowej Jadwigi 2
22-410 Zamość
провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.7231,23.252
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