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Palace Complex in Kurozwęki


The palace and park complex is located northwest of the town, in the Czarna valley. Initially it was the Kurozwęki stronghold, built in the late 14th century, known from the document of 1400 as "Castrum Curoswank". Only fragments of Gothic walls and moat remained from the original structure.

Currently, within the park and palace complex the attention is drawn to the castle building and its richly decorated five-axis facade and the cloistered courtyard. It is worth visiting the interior of the Kurozwęki palace with cellars and take accommodation in a stylish palace, the Orangery and the Outbuilding.

At the turn of subsequent centuries, the building was rebuilt several times, giving it a more representative character. Years 1768-1778 resulted in the reconstruction of the palace in the form of late-Baroque palace with elements of early classicism. Interesting features include the Pompeii pink five-axis facade with a semicircular tympanum with Rococo ornament, panoplies and two medallions with coats of arms of Rawicz and Sołtyk families. Next to the palace there are outbuildings, orangery and landscaped park with an old linden tree alley.

In 1990s, the palace was recovered by the Popiel family, who are trying to restore it to its former glory. The Popiels are the only ones breeding American bison in Poland. The entire herd can be seen in the meadows around the palace when passing in a horse-drawn carriage or a safari type vehicle. The Palace's restaurant serves bison meat in Burgundy sauce. The attractions include a petting zoo, 100 m long rope slide, paintball and Europe's only corn maze.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Zamkowa street 3
28-200 Kurozwęki
Широта и долгота: 50.588822406339,21.1069679260254
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Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22