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Palace in Żagań

At present called the Palace ot Culture of Zagan has been built at the place of the former Piast castle from the turnover of 13th and 14th century.

At present called the Palace ot Culture of Zagan (4 Szprotawska street) is situated on the south-east-erly edge ot the city in the place of the medieval castle which was founded about 3 metres below pa³ace. In 1627 the duchy of Zagan was purchased by the commander of the Austnan troops duke Albrecht Wallenstein. About 1630 he initiated the construction of a palace replacing the castle. The palace was designed by Vincentio Boccacci as Renaissance type of a fortified residence. The tragic death of the duke delayed the construction work for a long time. It was resumed by duke Wac³aw Lobkowic who purchased the duchy in 1646. The construction work was continued in 1670 according to the design of an Italian architect Antonio della Porta, The erected structure clearly resembles the palace in Roudnice, the home town of Lobkowic, The slow pace of the construction changed when in 1786 the duchy was bought by Piotr Biron, duke of Kurland. In the years 1792-1796 the interiors were rebuilt and thoroughly renovated by an architect Chrystian Schultze. In 1802 the wooden bridges were replaced by bridges built of stone and brick. In 1842 Dorota Talleyrand- Perigord became the owner of the duchy. Then the manor of Zagan became one of the best known in Europe. A great deal of modernization work was carried out in the years 1845-55. Its present architectural style is baroque.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Szprotawska street 4
68-100 Żagań
провинция: LUBUSKIE
Широта и долгота: 51.6126,15.3246
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