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Parish Church of St Lawrence in Gołańcza


Тип блока:

Parish Church of St. Lawrence in Gołańcza, according to the project of the engineer of architecture S. Cybichowski, was built in 1931-1934 from the contributions from the parish members as well as the patron, Count B. Hutten-Czapski.

The Church has two Baroque side altars of the first half of the eighth century. On the outer wall - an epitaph of the writer of the Crown, Maximilian Mielżyński, from the late eighteenth century, and a plaque commemorating the martyrdom of the local parish priest killed in Dachau, during whose times the Church was built - Fr. E. Mrotek.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Ks. Mrotka street 8
62-130 Gołańcz
Широта и долгота: 52.9432,17.2997
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Польская Туристическая Организация
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