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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиParish Church of the Holy Trinity in Rudnik nad Sanem

Parish Church of the Holy Trinity in Rudnik nad Sanem


Тип блока:

The parish Church is pictureusly immersed in Rudnik nad Sanem. After much of the destruction it was actually preserved in the renovated inside cups, a cross and the Blessed Sacrament.

In 1583 king Stefan Batory approved the foundation of Anna Komarnicka as the property of the Church in Rudnik. The parish was founded the same year by the Bishop of Cracow, Piotr Myszkowski. Then Anna Kormanicka expanded the royal chapel and gave it to the parish Church. The parish church was run by the Jesuit Fathers for over 100 years.

The present Church was built in 1927-1928 with the help of Count Hieronim Tarnowski.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Mickiewicza street 43
37-420 Rudnik nad Sanem
Широта и долгота: 50.4423,22.2544
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Польская Туристическая Организация
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