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Post- Bernardine Church in Gołańcza


Тип блока:

The exact date of the foundation of this Church is not known. The historical sources mention it after the year 1608. However, architectural studies concluded that it was a late-gothic building, and it was built about 1500.

In 1830, after the liquidation of the Bernardine monastery in Gołańcza, St. Mary's Church was handed over by the Prussian authorities to the Lutheran community of nearby Smolar. It was owned by the evangelical community until 1945.

In the basement of Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Kunegunda Drwęska, the first wife of Józef Wybicki was buried.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

62-130 Gołańcz
Широта и долгота: 52.9432,17.2997
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Польская Туристическая Организация
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