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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиSculpture of Puss in Boots and the Market Square in Bytom Odrzański

Sculpture of Puss in Boots and the Market Square in Bytom Odrzański


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Bytom Odrzański is one the most beautiful towns in the Lubuskie region.

Bytom Odrzański is one the most beautiful towns in the Lubuskie region. It was mentioned already in 1109 by the chronicler Gal Anonim. The period from 1580 till 1618 was the golden era for the town thanks to its owners Fabian i Jerzy von Schönaich. From 1601 till 1628 there was an evangelic academic gymansium – the so called "Schönaichianum" (with the rights to give tittles of bachelor and master), which was then famous in the middle Europe.

Nowadays the town is proud of its renowned architectural complex of the Old Market Square. The square, rectangular in shape is surrounded by the old houses in the styles from late renaissance through baroque, classicism till eclecticism. Among them the most famous is the “Under the golden lion” 16th century house. The late renaissance town hall of 17th century belongs to the loveliest in Poland. In the walls church of St. Hieronymus one can find the penance stones. Tourists are also charmed by the Odra river embankment and the tourist port.

In the old market square from April 21st, 2007 one can find the newly presented statue of the Black Puss in Boots. According to the legends you may celebrate till the daybreak in Bytom Odrzański because of the black cat which guides everyone to his house, even if we drink too much.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Rynek market 1
67-115 Bytom Odrzański
провинция: LUBUSKIE
Широта и долгота: 51.7306187,15.8265493
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