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Settlement in Sąsiadka

Well-preserved fortress - called castle hill.

The Castle is located approximately 200 m southwest of the monastery of St. Catherine. On the basis of numerous excavations found that even five thousand years ago in the castle hill lived people belonging to the Neolithic Funnel Beaker culture working in agriculture and animal breeding. Around the sixth century, for unknown reasons for many centuries the hill was abandoned by its inhabitants. Again, it was settled in the eighth century, and since then begins the story of Szczebrzeszyn. This is confirmed by uncovered monuments during archaeological studies.

In the fourteenth century when the was King was Casimir the Great, in the north-western part of the hill there was built a castle as a residential tower defense, guarding the fords on the Wieprz River. Castle burned down in 1583 during a fire of the city along with the documents relating to its history and the castle history. The castle was rebuilt and destroyed again, from the old buildings remained only ruined brick tower with two floors. The purpose was originally to defend the castle passages - fords on the river hog, so it was often called “the Fortress in Brody.” Not before the fourteenth century, in 1352 it appeared in the documents, called as Szczebrzeszyn.

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провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.6951,22.98
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