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Strzelecki Park in Tarnów


Тип блока:


Gmina Miasta Tarnowa
Mickiewicza 2
33-100 Tarnów
провинция: MAŁOPOLSKIE

It is a public park – nowadays a nature monument and former Ogród Strzelecki Bractwa Kurkowego - the Strzelecki Garden of the Kurkowe Brotherhood, established in 1866.

Strzelecki Park covers 7.26 ha of a former wetland area. In order to dry the area a pond was dug up in the Northern part of the park, which is stocked with fry since the very beginning. It is an English style park, intended mainly as a public garden. It has several interesting architectural structures: a neo-Gothic shooting range building (1866), the city gardener’s house in the Vienna Secession style (1907), a water fountain (1912), a fence (1927), and General Bem’s mausoleum (1928). A nature and educational trail runs through the park since 1998.

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провинция: MAŁOPOLSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.0121,20.9858
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