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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиThe Catholic church dedicated to St. Archangel Michael in Swiatkowa Mala

The Catholic church dedicated to St. Archangel Michael in Swiatkowa Mala


Тип блока:

It is assumed that the former Greek Catholic church dedicated to St. Archangel Michael (present-day Catholic church) was built in 1762

It is assumed that the former Greek Catholic church dedicated to St. Archangel Michael (present-day Catholic church) was built in 1762, although it is more likely that the date concerns an enlargement of the former church (the nave and the women’s gallery) from the 17th c (today’s sanctuary). The chapel was renovated and probably restructured at the turn of the 19th and 20th c (the contemporary tower is said to come from this period). The chapel in Swiatkowa Mala belongs to the typical sacred buildings erected on the western Lemkos’ Lands.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

38-232 Świątkowa Mała
Широта и долгота: 49.7061,21.4728
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