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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиThe grave and monument of an unknown hero in Bydgoszcz

The grave and monument of an unknown hero in Bydgoszcz

A monument of a lying down insurgent, an ‘eternally burning flame’ at his side and a historical plate commemorating the insurgents of Wielkopolska.

The monument and the first grave had been unveiled for the first time in 1925. They were destroyed during World War II. The unveiling of a reconstructed monument took place 27.12.1986 – on the day of 68th anniversary of Wielkopolska Uprising. A figure of a lying down, wounded Wielkopolska Insurgent was placed on a granite socle. (author of the sculpture: Stanisław Horno – Popławski). In 2003 an obelisk commemorating Wielkopolska Insurgents was unveiled.

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Przy ul. Bernardyńskiej
Широта и долгота: 53.1235,18.0084
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