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The Historical Museum of Przemyśl


Тип блока:
- czwartki - wstęp wolny, pobierana jest tylko opłata za obuwie ochronne - 1 PLN

The Historical Museum is housed in the sixteenth century building on the Przemysl Market Square.

With great care the employees prepared an attractive, permanent exhibitions in the building located at Rynek Street No. 9. More than two thousand unique exhibits testifying to the turbulent history of the town are gathered here. For this purpose, the museum purchased modern museum equipment and hundreds of items were preserved and their former glory has been restored. In the building the historic arcades were renovated and sixteenth-century cellars were excavated. In so-called Grand Room (Wielka Izba) a historical, early-Baroque stove reconstructed. On the first floor there is an exhibition of the bourgeois interiors of the nineteenth and early twentieth century and the studio of the most famous photographer of Przemysl, B.Henner. On the second floor there is an archaeological and historical exhibition illustrating the Przemysl history from the early Middle Ages till 1945. In the building on Serbańska Street No. 9, there are studios and storage rooms of the Museum.

The museum presents the following exhibitions:

- The Grand Room of the bourgeois tenement house from the beginning of the seventeenth century with a reconstructed, early-Baroque stove

- Exhibition of photographs in the “Mała Sień” gallery

- The gallery of the Przemyśl crest,

- The bourgeois interiors from the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century,

- The Atelier of Henner is an example of a photo shop at the turn of the nineteenth / twentieth century, equipped with original equipment and cameras,

- Exhibitions: archaeological "The origins of Przemysl town" and historical "The history of the town from Kazimierz Wielki times"

- The exhibition: "Przemyśl in the old photographs"

- The exhibition: "Przemyśl in World War II."

The yard between the houses was roofed and the café tables were set out there. In summer it is a favorite meeting place for Przemysl citizens.

The museum is accessible to the disabled people.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Rynek market 9
37-700 Przemyśl
Широта и долгота: 49.7834,22.7768
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Наш адрес

Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22