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HomeТуристические достопримечательностиThe Museum of Fossil Trees in Siedliska Tomaszowskie

The Museum of Fossil Trees in Siedliska Tomaszowskie


Тип блока:

The greatest collection of fossilised wood in Poland.

The Museum has three thematic chambers: of fossilised trees with the largest in Poland collection of exhibits of various shapes and colours; the hunting chamber containing the collection of hunting trophies; and a third chamber displaying examples of old household equipment

localization-imgСхема проезда:

22-680 Siedliska
провинция: LUBELSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.2673,23.5595
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Наш адрес

Польская Туристическая Организация
123001 Москва
ул. Трехпрудный пер.9, стр.2, офис 202
tel. +7 (495) 668-87-22